Most of india's finest beaches are in kerala. For virtually its entire 900 km length, the kerala coast is lined with sandy beaches, rocky promontories and coconut palms. The palm-lined beaches of kerala are renowned for the gentle surf and azure blue waters. To this add a delectable seafood cuisine, a smiling sun and frendly people to make an unforgetable holiday. Each year greater numbers of visitors arrive here in search of the tranquil, palm fringed beaches.
Alappuzha Beach :

Alappuzha beach is quite a popular tourist spot, known to provide relaxation in the district of Alappuzha (Alleppey). The pier, which extends into the sea here, is around 140 years old. Blessed with nature's green beauties such as lagoons, vast lakes and numerous fresh water rivers, Alappuzha is a natural wonderland of Kerala state.
The Alappuzha (Alleppey) beach is spectacular. At one end are the dense palm groves that are so characteristic of Kerala's landscape. It has a long sandy beach. For the entertainment of visitors there is a Vijaya Beach Park and an old lighthouse nearby.
Entertainment facilities at the Vijaya beach park add to the attractions of the beach. The Vijaya beach park consist of picnic spot with children's park & boating facilities.
Bekal Beach :

Bekal fort stands on a promontory between two long classically beautiful palm fringed beaches. This is the largest, best preserved fort in kerala.
Alappuzha beach is quite a popular tourist spot, known to provide relaxation in the district of Alappuzha (Alleppey). The pier, which extends into the sea here, is around 140 years old. Blessed with nature's green beauties such as lagoons, vast lakes and numerous fresh water rivers, Alappuzha is a natural wonderland of Kerala state.
The Alappuzha (Alleppey) beach is spectacular. At one end are the dense palm groves that are so characteristic of Kerala's landscape. It has a long sandy beach. For the entertainment of visitors there is a Vijaya Beach Park and an old lighthouse nearby.
Entertainment facilities at the Vijaya beach park add to the attractions of the beach. The Vijaya beach park consist of picnic spot with children's park & boating facilities.
Bekal Beach :
Bekal fort stands on a promontory between two long classically beautiful palm fringed beaches. This is the largest, best preserved fort in kerala.
Beypore Beach :

10 km south of Kozhikode, located at the mouth of chliyar river, beypore, one of the prominent ports and fishing harbours of ancient kerala was an important trade and maritime centre. Ancient beypore was much sought after by merchants from western asia, for its ship building industry. The boat building yard here is famous for the construction of the uru, the traditional arabian trading vessel
Cherai Beach :

45 kms from ernakulam city, this lovely beach bordering vypeen island is ideal for swimming. Dolphins are occasionally seen here. A typical kerala village with paddy fields and coconut groves nearby is an added attraction.
Dharmadam Island :

The small 5 adre island covered with coconut palms and dense bushes is a beautiful sight from the beach. Permission is required to enter this privately owned island.
Ezhimala Beach :

The beautiful beach here has a hillock nearby (286 m high). Carved stone pillars and an ancient burial chamber can be seen at the foot of the hills. The hills are noted for rare medicinal herbs. A naval academy is being developed here. Permission is required for entry.
Fort Kochi Beach :

12 kms from ernakulam city, a leisurely walk through the lanes of the city is the best way to discover historic fort kochi. An obscure fishing village that became the first european township in india, kochi has an eventful and colourful history. The town was shaped by the portuguese, the dutch and later the british. The result of these cultural interfaces are seen in the remains of the indo european architecture here.
10 km south of Kozhikode, located at the mouth of chliyar river, beypore, one of the prominent ports and fishing harbours of ancient kerala was an important trade and maritime centre. Ancient beypore was much sought after by merchants from western asia, for its ship building industry. The boat building yard here is famous for the construction of the uru, the traditional arabian trading vessel
45 kms from ernakulam city, this lovely beach bordering vypeen island is ideal for swimming. Dolphins are occasionally seen here. A typical kerala village with paddy fields and coconut groves nearby is an added attraction.
Dharmadam Island :
The small 5 adre island covered with coconut palms and dense bushes is a beautiful sight from the beach. Permission is required to enter this privately owned island.
Ezhimala Beach :
The beautiful beach here has a hillock nearby (286 m high). Carved stone pillars and an ancient burial chamber can be seen at the foot of the hills. The hills are noted for rare medicinal herbs. A naval academy is being developed here. Permission is required for entry.
Fort Kochi Beach :
12 kms from ernakulam city, a leisurely walk through the lanes of the city is the best way to discover historic fort kochi. An obscure fishing village that became the first european township in india, kochi has an eventful and colourful history. The town was shaped by the portuguese, the dutch and later the british. The result of these cultural interfaces are seen in the remains of the indo european architecture here.